At Mina Florist we believe that a special occasion deserves a bouquet of flowers that tells that tale. Your floristic needs are our priority and your story is the first building block of an emotionally complete flower arrangement. When you visit us, we would like you to tell us what brought you to our doorstep. The story behind the Anniversary, Birthday, Cancer Survival, Birth, Graduation... Any and every reason this bouquet of blooms is being born. We have heard hundreds of stories, and no two are alike. Since we choose arrangements unique to your tale, none of our flower bouquets have ever been identical. Every petal and every stem has its quirky features that tell of love, tragedy, hope or happiness. Our experienced florists bring it all together to recreate the adventure. We long to hear your saga so we can get a glimpse of your emotions and experience, and pour it into the amazing floral arrangement that you are going to share with the world.
Visit our shop to meet our professional and compassionate florists, ready to listen and advise for the best, beautiful solution. Let’s work together to create a live floral arrangement that will stun you and take the recipient's breath away. Let’s create something that you can keep close to your heart and remember for days. Because a truly memorable event does not come by every day. Mina Florist promises highly skilled professionals that know their craft and can tell you the background on every flower in our store. We are artists that create by listening. We are creators with a strong personal touch. Your personal touch. A bouquet with meaning, a flower arrangement to love.